Maintaining an up-to-date warden list can be arduous especially when you are a tenant with multiple floors to manage. Changes occur regularly within your tenancy, such as changes in locations, employees leaving, or new employees starting. Hence, it is crucial for you to collaborate with the building management to ensure that the warden list is updated.

Updating this list is one of the key components in improving warden participation. It is only through a streamlined system such as this that the evacuation list can remain fully updated.

Where EvacConnect comes in

You can now manage your warden list online easily using EvacConnect. It helps simplifies this process by allowing:

  • TRPs to nominate wardens and run compliance reports for their tenancy.
  • Wardens to update their own details or resign from their warden role.

Please note that the lists kept on EvacConnect are used to notify wardens of upcoming training.

Play this video to learn more how EvacConnect guides you through this process online.