Workplace safety initiatives are a must now more than ever. With the Australian economy’s annual loss reaching $60 billion due to work-related injuries and diseases, and a record of 3532 deaths in the workplace since 2013, companies must start investing heavily in upholding employee safety and protection.

Invest in workplace safety initiatives

Improving workers’ safety mindedness brings financial benefits to your business. Lower workplace accidents and injuries result in reduced medical expenses, lower workers compensation insurance premiums, higher productivity, and smooth business operations. Focusing on workers’ safety and wellbeing also increases employee morale, which leads to higher motivation and better team collaboration. These show the strong correlation between business profitability and workplace safety.

Senior management must support workplace safety initiatives

Facility managers are not the only guardians of employee wellbeing. Senior management must be at the forefront of workplace safety initiatives to rally the full support of general occupants and staff. With their influence and promotion, they can spread the safety message across more effectively.

workplace safety initiatives

Promote training participation

Building managers have a compliance obligation to ensure that the Emergency Planning Committee, Emergency Control Organisation, tenants, and general occupants partake in required training session on emergency response procedures and first attack firefighting.

Investing in training will assist occuoants in knowing what to do and where to go in the event of an emergency. Because of this, it is important for participants to take it seriously. In the face of a fire, natural disaster, or any event that would require evacuation, tenants and general occupants, depending on their role outlined in the emergency plan, have a responsibility to provide assistance when the situation calls for it.

workplace safety initiatives

The success of workplace safety initiatives is a collective responsibility

Workplace safety is not just in the hands of building managers and company owners. It depends on the collective efforts of everyone in the facility, most especially the contributions of employees. Workplace safety initiatives will fail without the support and participation of employees. Facility managers and their emergency management providers must then ensure that workers understand the rationale behind the initiatives, and how these will benefit them.

Do you have adequate workplace safety initiatives?

Take our FREE questionnaire to identify your compliance gaps, and formulate workplace safety initiatives that will solve these issues.

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